A rainwater catchment pond in Indonesia

Water is essential to people and ecosystems and is the main ingredient in most of our products.

We aim to promote water stewardship within our business to increase water use efficiency and treat and return safe water to communities.

Water Replenishment

Since 2015, we have met or exceeded our goal to return more than 100% of the water used in our finished products globally, on an aggregate level, to nature and communities with support from The Coca‑Cola Foundation, owned and independent bottling partners and independent suppliers and partners. 

Rainwater is harvested in Pakistan to be used for washing hands

Taking a Local Approach

We have operations around the world and because we source water locally, we also aim to reach 100% replenishment in each of our more than 200 high-risk locations* across the Coca‑Cola system by 2035. These locations represent almost a third of our locations** globally. 

A women cupping clean water with her hands

Topo Chico Plant Provides Free Water to its Monterrey Neighbors

For more than a century, Topo Chico has offered drinking water to the local community via a free, 24/7 tap outside its Monterrey plant. It’s one of many ways the Coca‑Cola system in Mexico is providing sustainable water access to those in need.

A man walks by Topo Chico wall art in Monterrey Mexico


Began reporting water efficiency progress as a global system.

Additional Water Stewardship Resources

* Locations were identified following an extensive analysis updated in 2024 using the World Resources Institute Aqueduct 4.0 tool and Coca‑Cola system level assessments of each production facility.

**The Coca‑Cola system is made up of over 200 bottling partners and 950 production facilities. For the assessment of high-risk locations, the number of facilities evaluated was approximately 720 locations as it does not include third-party contracted manufacturers.